Mt Baldy California Ski Lift Trip

#MtBaldy #Photography #GetOlympus #iphone My wife found a great deal on Groupon for Snow Tubing at the Mt Baldy Ski Lifts ( It was the first time my kids have been to the mountains and it turned out to be a fun trip. I wasn't sure what type of weather to expect so I only brought my Olympus OM-D E-M1 with a weather sealed 12-50mm f/3.5-6.3 lens and my iPhone 5. Here are some pictures that were taken on the way to Baldy and at the top of the first lift. As a side note, if you're going with young kids, the lifts only hold 2 at a time and 1 adult must accommodate 1 kid. If you're a family who has 2 adults, and 3 kids or an odd number like that, you may have to ask someone to ride with your kid or go with a bigger group. I lucked out on not bringing my 2 nephews for this one. Also, I've learned that 2 year old kids probably don't like the trip down because it looks like you're falling off the mountain. My daughter cried for almost 30...