E3 Gaming Expo 2016

#photography #E3 #E32016 Here are some pictures that I took at the E3 Expo in the LA Convention Center on June 16 2016. VR was still the big topic this year and Microsoft also showed the new slim model. The lines were also much longer than previous years and since we came on a Thursday, we didn't realize that there was an online check-in system for some demos. I'm a huge RPG and action game fan although I can never finish any games so I'm looking forward to the titles from #Atlus and #SquareEnix. Persona 5 and Final Fantasy XV were the favorites for me. This new blog layout also looks nicer and cleaner than the previous one. I'll follow up this posts with some pics I took from LA next week. The area around Staples Center has changed over the last 5-6 years and you'll see a lot of new developments.


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