
Showing posts from September, 2016

Atlanta Georgia Day 5

#Photography #GWCC #msIgnite #Atlanta #Georgia #Biltmore My time in Georgia is coming to an end. I leave on Friday evening. It's been real Georgia! *imaginery fist bump to the state* I heard people complaining that moving Ignite from Chicago to Atlanta was a bad idea, but I disagree and this is coming from someone born in Chitown. Other than feeling like someone hit me with an unlimited supply of water balloons while my bucket was at 0, it was all good. I got to meet lots of old friends and to top it off, one of my friends and his wife just had their first kid! Congrats Cormick!!! As Obi Wan said, May the Sleep be With You! And I think Palpatine also said The sleep won't be strong with this one.  I didn't bother going to the vendor booths which means they probably called my name and I lost a prize. I spent the day in the Microsoft Labs which they decided to turn into a meat locker on the one day I wore a short sleeve shirt. After my study sessions, I visited the CNN sto...

Atlanta Georgia Day 4

#Photography #GWCC #msignite #Atlanta #Georgia First off, I would like to apologize to the City of Atlanta for mocking your traffic. Call it "Car"ma, but that 1 hour drive to my hotel was real! I knew you had some California in you. I will only proceed to make fun of your 20-30 minute traffic once I've returned home.  I  didn't take many pictures of the city today because it was spent meeting vendors and attempting to complete labs. I also got to take a picture with Don Jones who is YUUUGE *waves hands like Bernie* in the powershell community. Some even call him Tony Stark. On a sad note, I lost a chance at winning $2000 from the Veeam booth, but I won a hug from the trickster in a green tie! I needed it anyways after having $2000 disappear out my shirt pocket. I would've used that money to buy a bike and Flaming Cheetos (Don't judge!!!). 

Atlanta Georgia Day 3

#Photography #GWCC #msIgnite #Atlanta #Georgia I love Georgia! When I talk to people out here and they say "traffic" they are talking about 20-30 minutes. Traffic in California is usually anything over 1.5 hours so I'm actually on time. I think I ran into every red light possible so I snapped pictures at many stops. The morning also started out with clear skies and the weather was cooler than normal. Do they call it ColdLanta instead of Hotlanta (My dad jokes are strong...) on these days? Ok one last bad joke. When people from Atlanta rep their city do they call it Mylanta? If a piece of you died reading this then my work is done.  I took a few pictures of the conferences, but I don't think anyone is interested in looking at screens of text. Most of the pics uploaded are from the city and vendor booths. Renault also had a nice race car on display. While talking with one of the vendors , they said they would give me an umbrella tomorrow and I was thinking why on eart...

Atlanta Georgia Day 2

#Photography #GWCC #MSIgnite #Atlanta #Georgia My second day in ATL was interesting. I didn't realize the CNN building and Georgia Dome were all next to each other. The main conference was held at the Georgia World Conference Center (dang that's a long name...) During my terrible attempt to find parking, I also saw construction on a new stadium. I brought my Olympus camera but most of my pics were taken with my iPhone. Microsoft also gave out some fancy backpacks and water bottles but the line was rediculously long. Here are the pics from today's Ignite session and wandering adventures.